Pyjamas Sunday!

Someone like you, a best friend

Time really do fly!

Anna, Me, Ida, Dena, Sofia, Johanna & Emma
I got a joooob, I got a joooob,I got a joooob!!!!
Tonight is my first proper time at the job, I had a trial day yesterday, god I can honestly tell u that at this place its such a disadvantage that I dont drink much alcohol because I dont have a clue of what things are etc :P And there are alot of different brand names but I guess I will get there and the person who hired me knows that I have never worked with alcohol before so I hope she doesnt have to much preasure on me. But it should be fine

I have also concidered taking some childminding classes and they are for free. Its 3h per meeting, 1 meeting per week over 5 weeks. The training includes: The business side of childminding, Working in partnership with parents, Routines, play and child development, Promoting positive children's behaviour, Safe environment, Equal opportunities, Safeguarding, Next steps. I think it sound very interesting and it could help me get a job later on regarding childminding or similar. I also think it could be good for me in te future when i want to become a teacher so, its worth thinking about but the next course starts the 4th of october so i need to decide soon. :)
Anyways, we are currently waiting for an electician that should have been here at 12 but still havent showed up to fix our bathroom light. William has tried to talk to the agency but they are not rly helping, said they will find out whats happening but havent phoned us back yet and he has to go to uni soon and I have to go to work at 4.20 ish, hoping summin will happen soon!
Will update more later!
Peace out!
I know i havent posten much lately, just been doing alot of things. Not many hours now till we leave to manchester and we are nearly done, been trying to print off a paper for forever :P Anyways, we wont have internet in our flat for the next 14 days so my blogging will be TERRIBLE! Just so you know in advance :) Gonna try to fix this now and then go to bed! Getting up just before 8am :)
fix'n and trix'n
Today has been a slow and busy day at the same time xD Hehe, well lets say it began lazy, we were supposed to get up around 12 but some how we overslept (no1 of us could be bothered to force the other one out of bed :P ) so when we finaly got up we had about 1hour to get ready before the train left from the station so we ended up power walking to the train station :P Haha!
Well in Harlow i went to send off a jewelry package to sweden and then we headed for the bank. Was doing some money moving around from one of my accounts to another and I also owed William some money for insurance of our new flat. After the bank we went for some lunch, instead of the fika I wanted, but we concidered Lunch more cleaver than bakery at that time of the day. To compensate we bought some bakery stuff to bring home which we gonna eat after dinner! yay!
William bought a new pair of shorts which were on sale 50%off since his old ones ripped when he did a larg step over a stone wall xD HAHA! Poor babi <3 He also bought a new pair of shoes, £5 ones, since his old ones are in a terrible state. There is actually a HOLE in the sole of the shoe from his heels xD I also got new flipflops since the nog ate my old ones :( Also bought a new pair of "shapewear" sice mum shrak my old ones so they didnt really fit anymore, i suspec she did it so she could have them ;) hehe nah just joking, but I like my new ones since they also go down on my thighs which means, no leg rubbing!

Not a gr8 picture but you get the deal xD
Now am gonna go check on the food and hopefully eat afterwards! See u all later!
Jewel crafting...

Moldy nails!
I have never had fake nails, home - glue on ones, that have stuck on for so long. Usually they sit good for two days and then they start falling off one after the other, this time i decided to take them off after 10 days on. I am a bit cofused as well, it really does look like my nail on my little finger is moldy. I dunno if the nail has become discoloured all through or if it actually is moldy. There is hints of green on two other nails but no way near this, its even greener IRL. Well well i guess I just have to wait till it goes away..
Today've been a fix fix fix day, we have signed all the papers for the flat, rang electricity company, broadband and so on, took three hours in total. Unfortunatley we wont get internet till the 9th of september, which means we'll be without internet for 14days from our move in day.
This will have to bee a short blog post as I am going to keep doing my jewelcrafting, so far i've made 22 slices of cake in clay, got one entire cake left to do, fiddely, i tell you :P Haha!
See u all soon!
Glases, FINALLY!
Like i've been waiting, today, at approx 11am, the door bell rang and I immediately, in my sleep, knew what it was. I literally FLEW out of bed, ran down the stairs - in my pajamas, started to fiddle with the stupid keys to unlock the door, and guess what.. I COULDN'T get the stupid door unlocked. "WILLIAAAAAAAAM, I cant get the door open!" I try to shout upstairs but not toooo loud so the postman wont hear me. A moany(understandable) William walks down the stairs sighing and ofc he gets the door unlocked at once. Well I didnt really care that I failed bcs I was soon handed my 10,5kg box!
Haha well that was a very dramatic, approx. 3mins, morning exitment :P Haha! So my jewelry stuff is finally here, like I've waited! I went through all my things, tomorrow I have to start work on a massive order of 13 pairs of earrings and two necklaces, can't wait! :D In that box was also my two new pairs of glases. I love them ALOT but like all new glases I will have to pop in to the optician here to get them fittet, as in, the thing behind one ear is not as comfy on the other side.. haha this means am gonna wear them anyway and on about 6 month end up getting it fixed, not that is matters :P Hehe!
Here is some pictures of the pairs :)
Pair one
Pair two
Side of pair two
William and I also decided to go to the cinema today, totaly impulsive and we ended up watching "cowboys and ailiens". I actually had NOOOOO!! expectations at all of this film, i mean how can ailiens and cowboys even be in the same film!? Well I am glad I had no expectations because the made me really positivly surprised, the film was absolutely okay, it had a plot and the action was good! I rly did like it! I dont know what to say about the film more than its worth watching but maybe wait till you can rent it since it cost alot of money, at least in sweden, to see a film at the cinema. But yeah, totaly not a waste of time, it was good and i felt good when i came out from the cinema!
Tomorrow is a busy day for us, or at least there is lots of fixing to do. Here is our list:
*Ring Katie(our contact person abput the flat) if she havent emailed the papers we need to sign till friday
*Ring up the providers(water, electr. broadband etc..) and tell them we're moving in
*Fix internet, since that take up to 2 weeks to get sorted apparently
*Check if we have a BT line(apparently need this fot t
*Transfer money to mum and dad
*Take the dogs on an extra long walk
*Email the neighbours and ask when we should stop taking care of their animals
So there is PRETTY much to do, alot of phone calling tomorrow!
Thats it for now!
xx Love xx
Books and Breakfast
Today has been one of those lazy days of ours, better enjoy it whilst we can :P We woke up rather late, or late in some peoples eyes, in our eyes... pretty good time :P hehe, we feed all the animals we are looking after, had our breakie, which consisted of crumpets, cereal and milk. Crumpest is something I see as very English, its basically some kind of bread(made from mainly flour and yeast) that looks like, and have the texture of, a sponge. After toasting them thought and cover them in butter that melts in to it, its an rather unhealty and tasty piece of bread :P
After our breakfast(lunch if you so prefer) We did pretty much NOTHING, William spent some time on the ps3, I read some from my current book(will get back to this soon) and then we decided to walk the dogs, haha :P We really didnt do much of importance today so its hard to try to make it sound interesting, hehe, I cooked a really LOVELY dinner for the both of us. I cooked one of Williams favourites, its a bit hard to explain since i dont have a name for it but what it is; VERY thin sliced beef that i salt and pepper on both sides, I then take a spoon of garlic (non garlic for me today due to my stomach) cream cheese, i place the lump of cream cheese in the middle of the slice of meat before i fold it over and seal it with tooth picks. This then become like som sorta cream cheese cave when you cook it in the ouven for about 7ish mins, depending on how you like your meat, and then, voila! Lovely garlicy cream cheesy meat! With this i make potatoes wedges that i bake/roast/cook in the ouven. What i didnt do this time is a "brown sauce" which is nice to have with it but dont think i had the ingredients for it. Tasted Lovely though. Tonight has been spent with Williams dad John, he rang us at 10pm and asked if we wanted to come around and watch the film "Source code" It was EPIC! see it!
About my book now!
I am reading a book called "marshmallows for breakfast" its written by the incredible author Dorothy Koomson. She is according to me an excellent author that has a special way with ther words. I cant really explain what I feel when i read her things but she can make me want to read anything, just because the way she put things. I am currently on my third book of hers, all her books are different and has nothing to do with each other, what I like though is that she seem to always base the main character on a black, Ghananian or African woman. This is very interesting, because all the women she writes about has so far been completely different people, from different background living different lives, yet they are all from the same herritage. I think (just a guess but..) that every charakter of hers is a piece, or a dream, based on her. For example, the book I am reading now, was published in 2007. It is about a woman who comes back abruptly to england from her two ish years of living in sidney, the author Dorothy recently spent two years living in Sydney Australia, and is now back in England.
Well like i said, I LOVE HER WORK and I am intedning to read all her published books. Two summers ago I read (my first) book from her, i borrowed it from Suzanne and I completley loved it. Last summer, when my friends visited us here in England, we went to the huge book store Waterstones there I bought another 3 of her books.
So far I have read these:
These two books are amazing, they are very sad books since they are about either a mother or a child in a dying sitation. The thing is though, if she wouldnt have been so good with words as she is these books would have ben horrible to read, but they are proper page turners. "My best friends girl" deals with difficult issues such as death and adoption whilst "good night beautiful" where one of the main themes of the book is surrogacy. I have actually written an english essay about each of the books so if someone is bored sometime... ;)
I am currently reading:
Also a very interesting book, it was written during her two year period in australia. It deals with difficult issues such as divorce and hiding from your past, and explores what can happen when you open your heart to complete strangers.
I also got the books:
Which i dont know much about since i havent read them but I am convinced I will like them! :D
I also want to purchase some time:
Because I want to have read them all, and they both seem very very good imo! :D
If you wanna you can go on her website and read about her and the books. :)
Yesterday we went food shopping with Suzanne, Williams mum, since him and I will be cooking for ourselfs for a while. She went to look at some clothes in a shop next door to the food shop so we started to go through our rather long list on our own at the start. It was quite nice and relaxing, not really being in a rush, stroling through the different aisles just enjoying the moment together. Since my stomach is what it is, as you people now know, i dont think cereal and milk every morning might be the best breakfast for me, I decided to hunt down some oatmeal in the shop! So tomorrow I will be eating oatmeal porridge for breakie, with jam and milk, hopefully that will do this stomach of mine good :) And not to forget, it atually taste good and makes you "last" energy wise for a long time of the day ^^
Its pretty late now, some more book reading and them am "bed ready" :)
Night night
Animals <3
I did tell you the other day that we're taking care of the neighbours pets right? Well, Fanny <3 Charlie! He is absolutly adorable and reminds me alo of my cat Ragnar, but Ragnar likes to cuddle more than Charlie though! I will uploads so pictures from today when we we're feeding them and just socialized a little with the cats and rabbits.
This is Mr Charlie! When we got over to the neighbours the cats were sleeping in a bed each.
This is Lola! Poor Lola has been in a fight and got a bad sore on her tail, so she is currantly eating antibiotics that she got from the vet.
William had to "force feed" her the meds, hehe, poor thing :)
We then went out to see how the rabbits were doing, fed them some grass and had a cuddle! :D
They rly did like that leaf!
I was holding the boy rabbit, he was basically a big fluff and so tiny to hold! But gaaah so cute!!!! :D
Since Lola had her sore and wore a protective collar when we weren't there she wasnt allowed outside but Charlie wanted a little strole before we left. I am sooo pleased with the grass picture of him that I got!
Sad Lola, sad William :P
Cutie Charlie and I!
William and I gonna cook dinner now!
Catch you all later!

A normal day

It might look cute but it is sliiiiightly boring after a while. I dont mind it but I am looking forward getting in to our 2 beedroom flat! Well i shouldnt moan, one of the reasons we havent done much is also bcs i've had the gr8 luck of having a urin infection. So I havent really wanted to walk very far from home, but thank god williams mum is a nurse and told me what to get from the chemist and *touch wood* it feels alot better today!
To something completely different, I have recently started a tumblr about Harry Potter. For every1 that doesnt know what a tumblr is i can tell you that a tumblr is like a blog but its basically about posting pictures, quotes, videos etc about the topic of your blog. Its rly fun but I do it mainly just so I have a place to store harry Potter things that I like but saving it all to my computer takes up WAAAAAAAAAY to much space!
I also found these CUTE collars today for cats:

I rly wanted 2 pairs for my cutie kitties Ragnar and Sixten back in Sweden! Unfortunatley I know that they wouldnt appreciate it in any way that i would. Sixten used to have a collar, but he tended to take it off outside so our neighbour came by like 3 times returning our cats collar. Ragnar on the other hand got a "tattoo" in his ear so we never fussed with the collar and i have tried like once and he just gets annoyed. Well maybe for christmas ;) hehe..
Just wanned to show these two little cuties from tonight, Ruby is wearing Michael's, Williams brother, tie from work :P And like William staded it:
Ruby had an interview today :D and floss was helping her get ready :P

Hehe! That was all for now I think! William and I are going to petsit the neightbours animals soon as well, 2 cats and two baby rabbits! YAY! :D hihi!
See you all soon!
Stomach ache
(I started to write this last night but didnt finish it then)
The entire evening my stomach has been trying to communicate with the outer worl via sum sort of bubbly morse code. Some people know that i've had problems with my stomach since beginning of february, at that point I spoke to a nurse at the health centre which said i might have this condition named dyspepsia(dyspepsi in swedish) but when I spoke to her I only had about half of the symptoms for dyspepsia. The nurse told me to eat this certain medicine for, which worked for then. It didn't take more than 2 weeks after I had finished the medicine before it came back again, and this time, lemme day, it was here to stay.
It slowly came creeping up on me, the stomach aches, the nausea, the hunger feelings at the same time as I felt terrible full after a few bites. It was usually quite fine in the days and normaly got worse and worse in the evening after I had stoped eating for the night. I then spoke to the health centre again which reccomended me the same medicine as earlier but for two weeks instead of one this time. It did work, but no way near as good as the last time. Went back to the healt centre AGAIN, they coulndt belive what was wrong with me, the doctor took 7 samples for testing and they all came back perfect. Gr8, I am feelinf terrible and no1 knows whats wrong with me...
The sickfeelings made me having to sit up and sleep, I woke up in the middle of the night having an upset stomach. It was pretty clear to us that my stomach was over active in the nights, producing WAAAAY to much stomach acid when its supposed to sleep, all this acid gave me acid reflux and I become really bloated. I rang the healt centre yet again, the told me to double the doze of my meds + take this new one before i go to bed so i can sleep, this new one would also calm down the production of acid. Let me say, WHY DIDNT YOU GIVE ME THE LAST ONE AT ONCE! Its like a miracle when I take it, after about 30 sec, my stomach is calm, yet bloated, but it will let me sleep and the sickly feeling is gone, TG!
The big issue is tho, the meds have made it better, but the doctors doesnt know what it is and its not good, I still feel nauseaus in the evenings and hungry. Two nights ago I remember what the first nure I spoke to told me (I havent seen this nurse since), that it might be this thing called dyspepsia. I decide to look it up online on the swedish health advice website thing, and guess what, I got ALL the symptoms.
* Have pain or discomfort at the top of the stomach afte the intake of food [x]
* Feel full quickly [x]
* Hunger feeling in the middle of the upper part of the stomach [x]
* Feel bloated [x]
* Feel nauseaus [x]
* Light heartburn or acid reflux [x]
The downside to this is that since this is something that occur even though you can have perfectly healthy results from blood samples etc.(like I did) But there is NO CURE! I am angry that it never occured to any of the other nurses or doctors that it might be this, which the first one told me MONTHS ago, and that the only way to get better is to avoide food that are bad for the stomach, such as fat, alcohol and spices.
Well I am glad to have discovered what it is, since not knowing is really annoying, but its slightly pissing me off that it has to be this way!
(random picture i know...)
Anyways, that is enough of moaning and stomach aches for one post :P
Today is a lazy day for us, William is playing on his PS3 and i havent decided yet what i wanna do, but probably do sum drawing or so :) My jewelcrafting stuff and my new glases are on the way here in the post so I am looking forward to the arrival of that. Cant wait to start crafting again, rly miss it days like this when i got NOTHING special to do :P Haha! Also looking forward to open my "business" a bit more to the english market, so you English people, now is the time to be interested in my jewelry ;)
Ohh! nearly forgot, this arrived with the post this morning from ebay:
I am very happy about that xD
Now I need a wee, HAHA!
catch you all later
Hi everyone!
Yesterday was a very intersting day. In the morning(read 1pm-5.30pm) I had one of my Harry Potter sprees, or what to call it :P I basically roamed every corner of the internet for Harry Potter related context. Ofc I found alot of amusing ones, which i shared on facebook, but I had to stop because William didnt reeeeally appriciate it. Hehe, oops!
This is one of them though, and this one made me laugh out VERY loud and giggle for about another 30 mins.
The reason my Harry Potter mode only lasted till about 5.30 was because of the fact that the Heathfield/Hatchett family were having friends around for a BBQ. The visiting people was 2 coupples and two little girls age 5 and 6, they were adorable!
At the BBQ were also, ofc, the Hatchett siblings,
The host and the hostess,
and ofc, Lauren and I!
It wouldnt be fare tho to leave two, yet unnamed but attending... creatures..
The dinner was really lovely, it was all sorts of things = people ate from what they liked. But I will quickly try to count what was served.. Burger meaty things, sausages, chicken, ribs, haloumi, potatoes, bread, salad(all sorts of them), prawns, crisps.. etc!
After the dinner the two girls wanted to do sum crafting and painting and i volunteered to help them out. So I basically spent the rest of the evening "baby sitting" those girls, to be fare I rly enjoyed it!, and we did everything from masquerade masks to painting with water colours.
During the arts and crafting we got served afters which was merengue, cream and raspberries and strawberries! YUM!
When everybody had gone home William and I stayed up for another 2 hours and just chilled with some tv, 2 episodes of "the cleavland show" and 1 episode of "how to look good naked" (Such a interesting show!)
That was rly everything about yesterday!
I will be back soon!
The third of August!
Today is the third of august and i apologize for not updating so much. It feels like I(we) have been constantly busy, but ofc we haven't xD haha!
For example yesterday, I spent pretty much all day on the Wii - which resulted in a seriously aching arm last night, haha but this wont stop me from playing some more tonight ;)
Anyways, today we spent till like 1pm at home and then took the train to Harlow to finish the shopping we were ment to do last wed. but ran out of time. Had a good old stroll thru the town, went in some shops = bought some things and also purchased a "Thank you card" for williams mum since she've helped us along with our manchester flat, driving us there, helping a bit with the deposit and also being our garantor, which we need since none of us got any income to prove we can finance this or no creditratings. Unfortunatley we were a bit tooo exited when we viewed the flat = we totaly completly forgot to take pictured, but luckily there are similor flats on the market (but smaller) so i stole two from there to show u all :P
Our flat is a 2 bedroom, kitchen, livingroom and bathroom flat fully furnished, and its so nice!
Kitchen, pretty identical to ours. You cant see the fridge and freezer which we have as well and i think this is a bit smaller than ours.
Here you can see the livingroom and balcony, and ofc ours is a bit different but still rather similar, same sofas and table, tho ours didnt have red pillows ;P and our balcony had some nice shady things on the railing :P haha
Unfortunatley i didnt have any pics of the bedrooms and the bathroom but i promise i will fix u some when we're settled in. Did I tell you all it will be repainted before we move in as well? The previous tennats had made sum nice drawings á childstyle on a wall, and we get the entire repainted ;) w00t!
At the pub waiting to view a property
Here are some pictures from our(read my) shopping of the day, not included in the pictures are fake nails(i know but mine sux) and some stomach meds :)
My new snuggle suit! Haha its a one piece thing made from the cosiest fabric eveeer! haha (i know it looks funny in a certain region but they are a bit long in the legs so i just tucked it betwene my thighs for the picture xD )
A close up on the feet of my snuggle suit, new flipflops for £2.50 ;) and new shoes for £10.. Me pleased, william even encouraged me to get the later ones!
New black shirt and the dress(which looks so much better IRL!) haha
That was about it, yesterday William and I also inherited (well he got it earlier but we sorta got it in our hands yesterday) bedlinnen from friend to the family for our spare bed. They are absolutley adorable in my opinion but william thinks otherwise ;) haha well i think i like 'em bcs its a bit retroISH style, with flowery paterns! Its so cute!
Anyway this blogpost has taken me way to long so am gonna stop now :P hehe, will be back soon enough, or thats my plan xD
Catch you all later!
In the car :D
Harlow town
My shopping
Turqoise Hoodie, The skirt, purple tshirt, black dress
Bra, knickers, and the black and pink shoes on the right

Boxers and the black and white shoes on the left.