Glases, FINALLY!

Like i've been waiting, today, at approx 11am, the door bell rang and I immediately, in my sleep, knew what it was. I literally FLEW out of bed, ran down the stairs - in my pajamas, started to fiddle with the stupid keys to unlock the door, and guess what.. I COULDN'T get the stupid door unlocked. "WILLIAAAAAAAAM, I cant get the door open!" I try to shout upstairs but not toooo loud so the postman wont hear me. A moany(understandable) William walks down the stairs sighing and ofc he gets the door unlocked at once. Well I didnt really care that I failed bcs I was soon handed my 10,5kg box!

Haha well that was a very dramatic, approx. 3mins, morning exitment :P Haha! So my jewelry stuff is finally here, like I've waited! I went through all my things, tomorrow I have to start work on a massive order of 13 pairs of earrings and two necklaces, can't wait! :D In that box was also my two new pairs of glases. I love them ALOT but like all new glases I will have to pop in to the optician here to get them fittet, as in, the thing behind one ear is not as comfy on the other side.. haha this means am gonna wear them anyway and on about 6 month end up getting it fixed, not that is matters :P Hehe!

Here is some pictures of the pairs :)

Pair one

Pair two

Side of pair two

William and I also decided to go to the cinema today, totaly impulsive and we ended up watching "cowboys and ailiens". I actually had NOOOOO!! expectations at all of this film, i mean how can ailiens and cowboys even be in the same film!? Well I am glad I had no expectations because the made me really positivly surprised, the film was absolutely okay, it had a plot and the action was good! I rly did like it! I dont know what to say about the film more than its worth watching but maybe wait till you can rent it since it cost alot of money, at least in sweden, to see a film at the cinema. But yeah, totaly not a waste of time, it was good and i felt good when i came out from the cinema!

Tomorrow is a busy day for us, or at least there is lots of fixing to do. Here is our list:
*Ring Katie(our contact person abput the flat) if she havent emailed the papers we need to sign till friday
*Ring up the providers(water, electr. broadband etc..) and tell them we're moving in
*Fix internet, since that take up to 2 weeks to get sorted apparently
*Check if we have a BT line(apparently need this fot t
*Transfer money to mum and dad
*Take the dogs on an extra long walk
*Email the neighbours and ask when we should stop taking care of their animals

So there is PRETTY much to do, alot of phone calling tomorrow!

Thats it for now!

xx Love xx


Postat av: Crystal Metzler

wow! you will be busy tomorrow. i just registered tyler for school and got him all his school supplies! ugh next we have to get him some school clothes as he has gotten so tall over the summer and needs all new pants! lol i am glad you finally got your jewelry box! and your glasses look gorgeous on you!! i am excited to watch cowboys and aliens but i am waiting till it can be rented! i heard from quite a few people it was pretty good!

2011-08-18 @ 07:27:27
Postat av: Mormor

Läckra glasögon. Och ditt hår är kanon.

Saknar dig.

Kramar från oss.

2011-08-18 @ 12:01:55
Postat av: Dena


2011-08-22 @ 23:40:58
Postat av: Dena

Hahaha ska äntligen se den på fredag! Så jag kan sluta att sprida aggresioner på folk som inte gjort något för att förtjäna det. :D

2011-08-24 @ 12:55:24

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