Time really do fly!
It's been a year, since we had breakfast with champange and "skagen macka", since we spend our last official day at UIG, since we all really were at the same place at the same time, since furu was outed in every sentence, since "the gang" was dissolved so we all could test our wings all over the world.
We have all managed to achieve so much in just 1 year, i mean its only 12 months, 365 days, 210240 seconds.

Anna, Me, Ida, Dena, Sofia, Johanna & Emma
Anna is studying at Umeå uni and has moved in with her boyfriend Olof. I have moved to England to work and live with my William. Ida has moved to Göteborg to study at the Uni there, she and her Eric have bought a house where they live together woth the great dane Aragorn. Dena, Sofia and Johanna have moved to Japan to engulf themself in the japanese language, culture and ofc their boybands. Emma and her family had left the calm of Ersmark behind and become proper inner city people, Emma also stydied law at Umeå Uni for 6 month before she took a well deserved break and currently work locally.
Looking at it this way i gotta say we have al achieved alot in such a short period of time, and we're still young, hey!
This was a short message on a blog thats been down for a very long time but today I wanted to tribute my friends that I miss alot everyday.
We'll have to make sure to have a reunion home in Umeå soon, who knows maybe in a years time as we all know how time fly!
Postat av: Johanna
I can't believe it's been one year since we graduated....it's insane!!!! xD
Postat av: Anna
Vi ägde UIG. Enough said.