Harlow town
Today we've been to Harlow to do some shopping and sum errands but I'll talk you thru the day from start to finish.
As I am writing this william Just came in and surprised me with dorritos and cheese, YUM! He is now making Ruby dribble in bed by teasing her with a dorrito. William has put the dorrito on his knee and told her to wait, he has left it for about 30secs and she is dribbling soooooooooooooooooooooo much!! awwwww!
We got woken up at 10.45ish from a little Rubys moanings from downstairs. We were both pretty awake after a good 10 mins of cryings so we let the dogs up to our room. After we got up and had breakfast I rang the national insurance people and have got an appointment for the 5th of August. When I was done on the phone we got ready to leave for the train, and let me say, today was one of them lucky days with the travel to Harlow. We arrived at the train station 4 mins before our train was going to leave so we got our tickets and had to wait like 30secs at the platform before the train got there. Once at the station in Harlow there was a bus ready to take us to the town center. This was like i said one of those times with flow, sometimes we have to wait about 25mins for a train and then 20ish for a bus, thats so annoying, today the travel from broxbourne to harlow town tool about 15mins when it can take 1hour on bad ones.
Anyways, well in harlow we to ourselves some mcdonalds lunch before we headed to the bank. We got an appointment later on and headed off for some shopping. During the day in harlow we then went to our bank meting and did some more shopping and I will soon share some pictures with you all from what we purchased.
Since our bank appointment took about 1h we lost out on lost of shopping time that we had well planned, well what i mean is that we had a long list of things we needed and its like half done. This means that we need to go back some other day, maybe nexr week or so.
My shopping
Turqoise Hoodie, The skirt, purple tshirt, black dress
Bra, knickers, and the black and pink shoes on the right

Williams shopping
Tshirt and shorts, tshirt - same shorts, tshirt and shorts, tshirt
Boxers and the black and white shoes on the left.
Tomorrow will we be heading to the sea with Williams dad, his little brother Harrison and Marisa - Marisa is Harrisons mum and Williams dads partner. Before we go to the beach tho we have to stop by in Harlow tho at the bank since there was some trouble with my ID today :/ but should be fine.
Be seeing you
Today we've been to Harlow to do some shopping and sum errands but I'll talk you thru the day from start to finish.
Since our bank appointment took about 1h we lost out on lost of shopping time that we had well planned, well what i mean is that we had a long list of things we needed and its like half done. This means that we need to go back some other day, maybe nexr week or so.
Tomorrow will we be heading to the sea with Williams dad, his little brother Harrison and Marisa - Marisa is Harrisons mum and Williams dads partner. Before we go to the beach tho we have to stop by in Harlow tho at the bank since there was some trouble with my ID today :/ but should be fine.
Postat av: Crystal Metzler
Sweet threads! love the black dress! its adorable. and the babe magnet shirt! AWESOME! glad you got some shopping in. sounds like a busy day. at least it all flowed smoothly and timed perfectly! and since i am a shoe~aholic i totally love the shoes! lol
Postat av: Johanna
Gosh I LOVE the skirt you bought w