Packing, packing and sum friends

Today has been spent mainly packing, and let me tell you its been harder, ALOT harder, than i thought! My plan was to pay for 1 extra bag, which means i would have 2 bags á 23kg. But i am actually concidering going off the plan and pay for 2 extra bags, have 3 in total. I have never realised how much clothes i have and that clothes are so heavy! Thats really annoying imo ;) So tomorrrow i have to decide if i am going to have another extra bag and then hunt one down. Since my family is planning to come visit me and William sum time during the fall i cant take any of their bags and i am already using my old one and my new one. But i amsure everything will turn out just fine, would be a disaster if I couldn't bring any of my shoes!!! The only thing I have packed really is clothes, makeup, jewelry, meds, contact lenses and stuff such as cables for different things. So NO(!!) shoes yet or anything else like my teddy bears :D


Here is sum pictures of my packing :P


I would like to inform that the things on my bed is CLOTHES ONLY xD hahahaha! unfortunatley a few of them things will be left at home since i might not need it and they just dont fit in :P (I am watching spongebob on tv btw ;P )


This is my wardrobe and what it currently looks like! I already knew i would have to leave some clothes behind, such a stuff i dont really wear but is, for sum stupid reason, emotionally attached to and cant throw away :P



Thats enough about packing, had alot of it already today :P Yesterday i met my friends Emma and Sofia, we had summin like "a last gathering in a long while" :P It was really fun to see them and as always when our group of girls or a few from the group meet up! Will miss u all but you know u are always welcome to visit us! (Emma you know this is a friendly threat!)


Emma and Sofia
In honor of the day had emma made chocolate muffins with the english flag on! :D


Tonight have I not done much, i have been to the summer house and the family had some friends over for a BBQ. The dinner was lovely and so was the people. I went home around 10.30pm and since then have i just completley relaxed, so needed! I have probably spent the last hour watching Britains got talent acts on youtube and i just adore this dancing couple!



These cute kids will have to be the end of todays post! Tomorrow is the day before the BIG DAY!


I'll be back!



Postat av: Dena

Wish I could have been there. :(

2011-07-24 @ 10:08:43
Postat av: Janikke

jaaa det är sa dryyyygt att packa, men jagTOTAL rensade, slängde allt som jag visste att jag inte skulle behöva, typ kläder man tror att man kan ha nagon dag men inte kommer kunna ha, och jag totalrensade trosor sockar bh, för man behhöver jub egentligen inte mer än 10 av varje :D hihi

2011-07-24 @ 10:20:09
Postat av: Crystal Metzler

i know what you mean, it is sooooooo hard for me to throw away old clothes! why we get so attached to silly things is beyond me? maybe its the fact that i spent $ on them or that i "might" fit into them one day? but i really really need to clean out my closet! lol i hope you get to take all the stuff you want! :)

2011-07-24 @ 12:17:57
Postat av: Fanny

Dena: Önska det me :/ men vi får ses sen nån gång xD

Janikke: Ja jag vetr precis, massa tröjor osv är kvar hemma, har iaf packat bara hälften av alla sockar jag äger(har aldeles på tok för mycket sockar av någon anledning :S ) och sedan det var ett krav för trosorna att se relativt nya ut annars fick de åka i soporna, finns inte plats xD hur mycket packade du allt som allt för tyskland?

Crystal: Haha i think you are on the right track about money and wanting to fit in it xD haha, i am gonna go bag hunting today and see if i can find summin suitable so i can bring what i want :P haha :D

2011-07-24 @ 12:45:52

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