Pyjamas Sunday!
I just had to tell you that i LOVE Pyjamas Sundays! This mens William and i pretty much spend all day in our pyjamases, play computer games whilst watching sunday tv!

Someone like you, a best friend
I wanted to dedicate a post to the person I consider my best friend (Yes william you are my best friend, love of my life etc but when i say best friend i mean none partner relationship best friend). Now when I am 20(oh gosh!!) years old saying "this is my best friend" is something different from when you were young, or at least in my opinion. When you were little "being best friends" normally ment that you liked playing with this person the best and alot of people have always has more than one best friend. This is something I have always been very strict with, you can only have ONE best fridend, otherwise they wouldnt be THE best, only ONE person can be the best, otherwise there is no point liking/favourising one more than others. For as long as i can remember YOU have always been my best friend, and it wasnt the "i like to play with you more than others" kind of friend ship, i have always felt that no matter how long we are apart we always connect so well, something i find hard to to with other people. These are ofcourse thing i have only though of since I have grown older(Yes am "only" 20 even though am speaking like i would have been 200). For what i can remember I have always considered you my best friend and for as long as I can remember is pretty much my entire life.

When we were young I used to think how unfair it was that we had to move to different villages at the age of 4-5, this was such a change from when we used to play every day in nursery. But some how I think that this is one of the reasons why our frind ship managed to grow so strong. Yes we couldnt play every day but since we had common intersets as we grew up we had theses things bringing us togehter when we met and I have always felt that with you i can be myself and there is no need to pretend, pretend to be perfect or something I am not.

I just wated to let you know that no matter for how long or how far we are away from each other I will always consider you my best friend. Because its just like when we were little, when ever we meet up its like we have never been apart, we just pick up the play where we last left off.
I just wanted to let you know, i am great ful that you, Emma, are my friend and have always been!

Peace out!