Today we've been to Harlow to do some shopping and sum errands but I'll talk you thru the day from start to finish.
As I am writing this william Just came in and surprised me with dorritos and cheese, YUM! He is now making Ruby dribble in bed by teasing her with a dorrito. William has put the dorrito on his knee and told her to wait, he has left it for about 30secs and she is dribbling soooooooooooooooooooooo much!! awwwww!
We got woken up at 10.45ish from a little Rubys moanings from downstairs. We were both pretty awake after a good 10 mins of cryings so we let the dogs up to our room. After we got up and had breakfast I rang the national insurance people and have got an appointment for the 5th of August. When I was done on the phone we got ready to leave for the train, and let me say, today was one of them lucky days with the travel to Harlow. We arrived at the train station 4 mins before our train was going to leave so we got our tickets and had to wait like 30secs at the platform before the train got there. Once at the station in Harlow there was a bus ready to take us to the town center. This was like i said one of those times with flow, sometimes we have to wait about 25mins for a train and then 20ish for a bus, thats so annoying, today the travel from broxbourne to harlow town tool about 15mins when it can take 1hour on bad ones.
Anyways, well in harlow we to ourselves some mcdonalds lunch before we headed to the bank. We got an appointment later on and headed off for some shopping. During the day in harlow we then went to our bank meting and did some more shopping and I will soon share some pictures with you all from what we purchased.
Since our bank appointment took about 1h we lost out on lost of shopping time that we had well planned, well what i mean is that we had a long list of things we needed and its like half done. This means that we need to go back some other day, maybe nexr week or so.
My shopping
Turqoise Hoodie, The skirt, purple tshirt, black dress
Bra, knickers, and the black and pink shoes on the right
Williams shopping
Tshirt and shorts, tshirt - same shorts, tshirt and shorts, tshirt
Boxers and the black and white shoes on the left.
Tomorrow will we be heading to the sea with Williams dad, his little brother Harrison and Marisa - Marisa is Harrisons mum and Williams dads partner. Before we go to the beach tho we have to stop by in Harlow tho at the bank since there was some trouble with my ID today :/ but should be fine.
Be seeing you
Today we've been to Harlow to do some shopping and sum errands but I'll talk you thru the day from start to finish.
Since our bank appointment took about 1h we lost out on lost of shopping time that we had well planned, well what i mean is that we had a long list of things we needed and its like half done. This means that we need to go back some other day, maybe nexr week or so.
Tomorrow will we be heading to the sea with Williams dad, his little brother Harrison and Marisa - Marisa is Harrisons mum and Williams dads partner. Before we go to the beach tho we have to stop by in Harlow tho at the bank since there was some trouble with my ID today :/ but should be fine.
Well, i guess arlanda(the swedish sorta main airport) is the place to be if you wanna travle from little Umeå in the north to england :P Hehe, i arrived at arlanda about an hour and a half ago, I am pretty tired since i only finished the last packing at 2am this morning and fell asleep maybe 2.20? Since the flight from umeå to stockholm is only 50ish mins long its hardly any point to fall asleep and today my head was hurting already then so it was rather impossible tbh. I am currently sitting in the place called sky city, this is the main part and waiting/eating area of arlanda. I am using Mcdonals free hotspot internet and I am really just waiting to get my gate so i can head off there. I dont rly know why but I have always prefared going to my gate asap and wait there instead, i assume it has summin to do with my paranoia about missing the flight as well as I am the biggest timePessimist ever!! Haha! I would also like to move since a woman sorta next to me is stinking the place out with sum HORRIBLE perfume which she totaly have overdosed, even more headache warning!! And i dont really feel rude enough to tell her to go wash it off ;) Haha!
Me and my bags ;)
Not much have happened since i last worte on here exept from the fact that I have left umeå, for now. I am currently watching the huge Thai air plane arriving at at gate here at arland, its humongo!
Big or what!?!
I Hope to leave for my gate soon as i said, or rather soon at least. On the way will I pass thru the "tax free" and that is ofc a gr8 opportunity to buy sum big travle packs of Haribo or maybe my favourite "djungelvrål" which is salty licorice :D YUM!
Today has been spent mainly packing, and let me tell you its been harder, ALOT harder, than i thought! My plan was to pay for 1 extra bag, which means i would have 2 bags á 23kg. But i am actually concidering going off the plan and pay for 2 extra bags, have 3 in total. I have never realised how much clothes i have and that clothes are so heavy! Thats really annoying imo ;) So tomorrrow i have to decide if i am going to have another extra bag and then hunt one down. Since my family is planning to come visit me and William sum time during the fall i cant take any of their bags and i am already using my old one and my new one. But i amsure everything will turn out just fine, would be a disaster if I couldn't bring any of my shoes!!! The only thing I have packed really is clothes, makeup, jewelry, meds, contact lenses and stuff such as cables for different things. So NO(!!) shoes yet or anything else like my teddy bears :D
Here is sum pictures of my packing :P
I would like to inform that the things on my bed is CLOTHES ONLY xD hahahaha! unfortunatley a few of them things will be left at home since i might not need it and they just dont fit in :P (I am watching spongebob on tv btw ;P )
This is my wardrobe and what it currently looks like! I already knew i would have to leave some clothes behind, such a stuff i dont really wear but is, for sum stupid reason, emotionally attached to and cant throw away :P
Thats enough about packing, had alot of it already today :P Yesterday i met my friends Emma and Sofia, we had summin like "a last gathering in a long while" :P It was really fun to see them and as always when our group of girls or a few from the group meet up! Will miss u all but you know u are always welcome to visit us! (Emma you know this is a friendly threat!)
Emma and Sofia
In honor of the day had emma made chocolate muffins with the english flag on! :D
Tonight have I not done much, i have been to the summer house and the family had some friends over for a BBQ. The dinner was lovely and so was the people. I went home around 10.30pm and since then have i just completley relaxed, so needed! I have probably spent the last hour watching Britains got talent acts on youtube and i just adore this dancing couple!
These cute kids will have to be the end of todays post! Tomorrow is the day before the BIG DAY!
Today has been one of those creative days of mine, I have done a bit of jewelcrafting, finished an order that has to be done before i leave. I also made myself(and william if he want one, he doesnt know it yet tho) a leather cord bracelet, very plain with a tibetan silver turtle :D I am very pleased. Been rather bored today since I dropped william off at the airport so whilst jewelcrafting I remembered at the back of my mind my friend Ida asking for a bracelet with a certain line of words on :) I dunno what she thinks but i am pleased with the result, very plain and simple but kinda stylish xD haha
This is the necklace i made today, which is for a friend of mines mother.
The "fire walk with us" is the bracelet my friend inspired me with, and the other one is ofc the turtle one i made :)
Thats about it, now I am going to try out the blender i got for graduation prezzie from sum friends to the family! Took a bike ride to the shop after dinner for some Ice cream and Raspberries :D
Today has been a BUSY!!! day! Tried to tick some more stuff of my to do list and i managed to do a few at least. I have now found two new pairs of glasses that i want and placed an "order" when i was at the opticians today. The new glasses will arrive in about 2 weeks but the woman there said things have been fast lately so it might take 1 week only if luckey. Only annoying thing is that i will have moved by the time they get here so mum and dad will have to post them over to me, should be fine though.
So thats that fixed, tonight is mine and williams last night together, luckily only for 4 nights and then i'll be at his! So it doesnt feel so terrible tonight for a change, i actually feel a bit exited xD
Tomorrow will be another day of ticking on my list, got my appointment at the health centre which later will make me able to go pick up my meds at the chemists. But ofc i need to screw things up, I have been rather sure all the time my appointment is at 10.30 and today when i looked on my calender in my phone i find that i earlier have written down 11.30. This made me super insecure about which of the two is the real appointment time and i suspect the one written down in my phone but i dont really wanna risk missing my time. This means i will have to go there tomorrow morning at 8.30ish before i drop william off at the airport and ask them what time my appointment is at! Just because they dont have any phonenumber you can call unless you're in need of any kind of tratment, sigh!
Will be back soon updating you about my packing etc!
Today has been a very nice day, once again been in contact with the health centre about my stupid stomach that never realizes that producing lots of stomach acid ALL THE TIME isn't extremly cleaver! So now i got a new instructions of meds and so on and lets hope it all turns out well, dont want to have a gastroscopy and no offence but not in england since i'd feel way lost :/ Lets just hope, and i think it will, things will sort them self out now with sum meds!
Anyways! There is lots going on at the moment and the to do list is constantly growing! A few things will be ticked off tomorrow but new things keeps getting on it all the time. This is the current one:
To do before England:
Pack - well i clearly and obviously gotta pack :P
health insurance office - Have to contact them about my insurance to make sure my insurance will fully cover me fronm the moment i officially live in the uk.
The Swedish Tax Agency - Need to report to them that i no longer need to be "registered of the authorities" which basically means tell them i live outside the country.
Txt friends new number - Yeah, text all my cute friends my new english number since that will soon be my only mobilephone.
optician - Since I am a very fortunate person, not! My favourite pair (out of the 2 pairs i got) of glases BROKE!! during our holiday down south so now i am stuck with one pair and they are not as comfy as my old ones. It also feels a bit risky to only have one pair so i have to go buy another new pair. Will actually and probably end up with 2 new pairs since my optician do the buy 1 pair get one free just pay for the lences. This is one of my main tasks tomorrow, Wed.
chemist - Got to pick up meds and stuff like that to last me about a year, so i dont have to sort that out = trying to find ecuals in the UK at once which means i got more space to stress over other things :P
Health centre appointment - Got an appointment which basically is a check up so they can prescribe me a years worth of meds :D
To do when in England:
Find a flat
Find a job
Change details on CV
Will describe the rest of my list, the To do when in England, part later on when it gets more up to date!
Will come back to you all, hopefully tomorrow, and tell you more about my optician visit and so on. Tomorrow is also mine and williams last day together till we'll be seperated for 4 days! After those 4 days we'll be together for a VEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY long time! :D w00t!
Just thought of the fact that this blog is pretty much in swedish and its hard for none swedish speakers to comment. I decided to "steal" the "how to comment" thing from my old blogg, pardon the old me if there is any misspelling. This is how you do it!
Not much have happened since i last wrote but tomorrow, or actually now in sweden, its only 15 days to go now! :D squeeel! :D i am super exited but a lil nervous as well! now am gonna go get an evening swim in the lake!
This blog is about me, i think. Well, about me or not this is me:
I usually look something like this, or at least not very serious, i just love to pose I guess. Well anyway, I am Fanny, 19 years old (I asume that you who read this probably know me already but why not be slightly formal atleast) and I will shortly, 25th of july, be moving over to the country over there... the country with royal mail, UK, or England if you prefer. I will be moving to my boyfriend, finally, after 2½ years together. We'll be moving to the "northern"(nothing is northern if you're from north of sweden tbh) city, Manchester!
So! This blog is going to be about my preparations, trip and all the settling in and daily life as an english living person, or what ever you feel like calling it, i havent decided yet what i feel comfortable with, Swede in Manchester?!?
Feel free to comment on my blogposts (which probably will be quite lame and few in the beginning as more will happen closer to the move. If you wanna comment and dunno how due to the swedish langue all over the place, either google translate or just ask me on like facebook or so! :D